Thursday, February 5, 2015

Computer Shop Management System : Project

Project Objective

Computer Shop Management SystemA computer shop management system sells various types of hardware and software accessories such as Laptop, Antivirus and Keyboard etc. It’s very hard for the shopkeeper to remember their cost price and in what price these items to be sold. As the market goes up and down for various products daily, so there should be some proper medium through which prices of these items can be changed frequently without any problem. There are many customers who will make their payment online, so there should be a medium to take their credit card as input and reduce exact amount from their account. This computer shop management system will enable its user’s keep their customers report secure, so that next time these customers when arrive to their shop, do not have to enter their details again. Buyers will also able to select products options while purchasing through computer screen and can make their payment from that particular screen and pick up their materials which they have selected at the pickup center within the shop.

Existing System

Existing computer shop management system only having the potential to perform processing task for limited section. In this system shopkeeper have to enter customer’s report every time whenever they visited their shop. There was no any medium to find the customers record using any unique key or customers id. If the records of any items is to be revised, then search operation is performed to find the item and make updation. Stock report and making query on daily selling reports was not possible. It was not possible by the shopkeeper to track which salesman was responsible to sell particular product and what price and time. The present system was not able to make balance sheet, only the daily transaction was saved in the file, which was sended to the charted accountant office to prepare balance sheet which is again not secure with respect to the customer’s details. As product identification was done only using the particular product serial number, thus problem in identifying which product has been solved.

Proposed System

In this proposed computer shop management system all the requirements has been added which makes the computer shopkeeper to perform all their tasks by their own such as knowing details of daily transactions, preparing balance sheet and knowing stock details of each products under their shop by just one click. Each customers will have a unique bill id, customer id and product id along with the description of product such as model number, name, number of quantities, price of each product, total price along with the date and time. Each working member within the shop will have unique id which will help the shopkeeper to know who has made how much transaction in their shop. Customers will get a secure gateway method by which they can make their payment using their credit and debit card. To make bills and perform other transaction within the shop each working member will have unique id and password. Using these id, system will able to identify which person is having the admin responsibility and which person has assigned which task that he or she can performed.


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