Friday, January 16, 2015

Bus Reservation System- Project

“Bus Reservation System” project is written in c++. It is very simple project just to show the implement of class and object of C++. You can understand the code easily and learn how to create class and use object in c++ for your C++ project.The tasks that user can perform in this project are listed below:
1.Install the bus record
3.Show the bus details
4.Show all buses available
This project is console application without GUI. You can add many features in this project.Here data of bus information is not store in file so every run of program previous data is lost so you can implement the file handling to store all the bus details.
You can download the project for below or copy the code and compile the code in gcc compiler with code::blocks IDE or with Visual C++.

Compiler: Code::Blocks IDE or Visual C++
Author: Naman Kumar


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