Thursday, February 5, 2015

Phonebook Project

This mini project in C Phonebook allows you to perform simple Phonebook operations like in your mobile. You can add, list, modify, search and delete Phonebook-related records. File handling and data structure concepts has been extensively used for almost all functions in this mini project.
Phonebook in C is a console application without graphic. The source code is complete and totally error-free. It is compiled in Code::Blocks with the gcc compiler.
The source code for this project is just over 300 lines, and it is very simple to understand. You can directly download the source code plus application file from the link given at the end.

About Phonebook Mini Project in C:

Phonebook is relatively a very simple mini project in C that can help you understand the basic concepts regarding functions, file handling and data structure. This application will teach you how to add, list, modify or edit, search and delete data to/from the file.
Adding new records, listing them, modifying them and updating, search for contacts saved, and deleting the phonebook records are the basic functions which make up the main menu of this Phonebook application (as shown in the main menu screenshot below).
Personal information such as name, sex, father’s name, phone number, citizenship number, email and address are asked while adding a record into the Phonebook. These records can then be modified, listed, searched for and removed.
I have used many functions in this mini project. These functions are easy to understand as their name only signifies their respective operations.
void menu() - This function is used to display the main menu.
void start() - This functions calls the menu function mentioned above.
void back() - This function is used to go back to start.
void addrecord() – It adds a new Phonebook record.
void listrecord() - This function is used to view list of added records in file.
void modifyrecord() – This function is used to modify added records.
void deleterecord() – It deletes record from file.
void searchrecord() – It searches for added record by name.

Output Screenshots of Phonebook:


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