Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Linked List Data Structure

#include < stdio.h > #include < conio.h > #include < alloc.h > #define newnode (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node)) struct node { int data; struct node *next; }; struct node *create_list(); void main() { struct node *f; int len; f = NULL; clrscr(); f = create_list(); len = find_len(f); printf("\n length = %d",len); } // main struct node *create_list() { struct node *f,*c,*p; int tdata; f = NULL; printf("\n Enter data ( use 0 to exit ) : "); scanf("%d",&tdata); while( tdata != 0 ) { c = newnode; if( c == NULL) { printf("\n Insuf. mem. "); exit(0); } c->data = tdata; c->next = NULL; if( f== NULL) f = c; else p->next = c; p = c; printf("\n Enter data ( use 0 to exit ) : "); scanf("%d",&tdata); } //while return(f); } // create list int find_len(struct node *f) { int len=0; struct node *t; if( f == NULL) return(0); t = f; while( t != NULL ) { len++; t = t->next; } return(len); }


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